船隻牌照   PB - 5891 - TL


製冰機密碼   N8R - EAT - E6B


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PacificBay3-4.jpg   3-4

PacificBay3-5.jpg   3-5

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PacificBay3-7.jpg   3-7

PacificBay3-8.jpg   3-8



Amy Young and the player were having a


discussion about the player's investigation with


Frank Knight in the previous case, when suddenly


Roxie Sparks approached the two and asked them


to join her scuba diving trip to the exotic waters of


Ocean Shore, in which she mentioned a newly


discovered part of the coral reef near the marina.


However, the trip was cut short when they


discovered a human body under the water,


who (per Roxie) was Valerie Green, a professional


scuba diver who recently entered the party scene.


Roxie then took Valerie's body for autopsy,


marking the beginning of yet another murder





兇手   Mighty Pete






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