47. Sale and supply on Anzac Day morning, Good Friday, Easter Sunday, and Christmas Day restricted: on-licences

(1)The holder of an on-licence must ensure that no alcohol is sold or supplied on the premises on Good Friday, Easter Sunday, or Christmas Day, or before 1 pm on Anzac Day, unless—

    (a)it is sold or supplied while the holder also holds a special licence for the premises; or
    (b)the buyer is a person of a kind described in subsection (2).



(2)The kinds of person referred to in subsection (1) are—

    (a)people residing or lodging on the premises:
    (b)people who are present on the premises to dine.



(3)For the purposes of subsection (2),—

    (a)a person resides or lodges on licensed premises if he or she resides or lodges in the building in which the premises are situated as the guest, lodger, tenant, or employee of the licensee:
    (b)a person is not present on licensed premises to dine if he or she is there at a time—
         (i)more than an hour before he or she starts (or is due to start) eating a meal; or
         (ii)more than an hour after he or she finishes eating a meal.



(4)Subsection (1) is subject to section 173 of the Gambling Act 2003.


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